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October 31, 2024 Leah Kittredge 3 min read

Locally Run Memory Cafés Alleviate Social Isolation

This November, CVCOA celebrates National Family Caregivers Month, a time to recognize and honor caregivers everywhere in our nation.   Says Barb Asen, Family Caregiver Support Director, “On top of often being unrecognized, unsung, and under-supported, family caregivers are the glue of our health care system.  They deserve our support not only for the care they provide and sacrifices they make, but because we are all in this together.  By sharing awareness, resources and love we build a more caring society.” 

Celebrating Family Caregivers during National Family Caregivers Month enables all of us to:  

  • Raise awareness of family caregiver issues  

  • Celebrate the efforts of family caregivers  

  • Educate family caregivers about self-identification  

  • Increase support for family caregivers  

  • Reduce feelings of isolation 

One major way that CVCOA’s Family Caregiver Support Program helps address social isolation among caregivers and those they care for is through Memory Cafés.  Since the winter of 2014, CVCOA, community partners and volunteers have been organizing local memory cafés. At present CVCOA runs a quarterly in-person memory café, “Memorable Times Café,” and a weekly online program, “Memorable Times Online.”  Both programs are offered free of charge. 

We are also part of the Memory Café Percolator network which has membership of over 900 memory cafes throughout the United States and beyond. A new video celebrating the Percolator’s 10-year anniversary explains, “The goal of memory café is to reduce isolation for both the person with memory loss or thinking changes and their caregiver.  The surgeon general noted that social isolation is as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Our goal is to bring people with memory loss and their caregivers into a community.  At memory cafés we focus on the person, not the disease.” 

Memory cafes directly address the societal challenge of isolation.  They provide an accepting and accessible environment that welcomes people living with dementia at any stage of symptoms – with or without official diagnosis – along with caring family members, friends and professional caregivers.  People attend to socialize and participate in meaningful and joyful programming. 

Common activities include engagement in music, movement, visual arts, storytelling, and exploration of topics of interest.  In-person programs provide healthy refreshments as well as resources for care partners. 

Research tells us memory café attendees: 

  • Build social connections and friendships. 

  • Experience joy, meaning, purpose, and belonging. 

  • Experience an easing of symptoms associated with isolation and stigma. 

  • Learn about opportunities, services, and ways to navigate living with dementia by sharing experiences with others. 

How are Cafes Different from Other Dementia Support Offerings?  

  • Cafes are not designed to offer drop-off respite care – but rather to support both the persons with dementia and their care partners.  

  • Cafes are not a disease-specific lecture or marketing opportunity for aging services. They are primarily designed to foster meaningful social engagement. 

Our current offerings are: 

  • Memorable Times Online, every Wednesday via Zoom from 10:30 – 11:15 a.m. 

  • Memorable Times Café:  Quarterly in person; the next event will be in January.  

To find out more about joining our memory cafés or for resources for caregivers, see our website.   

Watch this short video about the Memory Café Percolator 10th Anniversary!