Nutrition and Wellness
CVCOA connects older adults with services and opportunites that promote healthy aging, including exercise classes, nutriton education, meals programs, creative aging activities, and more.
Nutrition and Wellness Opportunities
To learn more about Nutrition Programs, please contact our nutrition staff at 802-476-2644.
Doing Good is Good For You!
Volunteering can help reduce depression, lessen chronic pain and give your brain a boost. So, consider leading an exercise class, delivering Meals on Wheels, helping with organizing, or offering companionship to a neighbor.
CVCOA has volunteer opportunities for all ages and to fit any schedule!
Meal delivery and congregate meals across Central Vermont have been impacted by flooding. Volunteer drivers may be unable reach people on their regular routes due to road conditions and closures. Meal recipients should utilize their frozen meals if their meal delivery has been impacted, and reach out to your local nutrition program directly for status updates about meal delivery or contact the CVCOA Helpline at 1-802-477-1364 if you need assistance finding contact information for your local meal program.
Healthy Aging through Nutrition and Wellness
Good nutrition, regular exercise, staying socially connected, and maintaining a postive attitude are essential to wellness at any age!
CVCOA staff and local partners offer a variety of healthy aging opportunities to help you stay engaged, stay connected, and stay healty. Explore the options below or call the CVCOA Helpline at 1-802-477-1364 to speak with our team today.
Find a Meal Program Near You!
Meals and Nutrition
CVCOA is proud to partner with 13 meal sites in Central Vermont to provide hundreds of thousands of nutritious meals each year to support older adults at home. In addition, the Meals on Wheels program provides a wellness check with each meal bringing a welcome social interaction valued by clients and delivery persons alike. The Meals on Wheels program relies on donations and participants are encouraged to make a minimal voluntary contribution; however, no one is ever denied a meal due to an inability to contribute. Community-based meals are available mid-day at many of the meal sites with a variety of health and wellness classes offered as well.
Call the CVCOA nutrition department at 802-476-2644 to register for home delivered meals or to find out where there’s a community-based meal nearest to you. Click here to learn more about meal programs.
Nutrition Education and Counseling
Nutrition counseling is offered to adults aged 60 and over. CVCOA has a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) who will work with individuals to address nutrition related health concerns. Together with the RDN individuals will create personalized health centered goals and a plan to achieve them. Being aged 60 or over is the only eligibility requirement.
Call the CVCOA Helpline number at 802-477-1364 to inquire about nutrition counseling services.
Exercise and Wellness Classes
CVCOA sponsors evidence-based exercise and wellness classes to help older adult stay engaged, stay healthy, and stay connected. Evidence-based classes include Falls Prevention Tai Chi and the Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program. These classes offer a variety of health benefits, including improving balance, mobility, strength and flexibility, and aiding in relaxation. Classes are led by certified volunteer instructors in communities throughout Central Vermont. Click here to learn more about classes and find a class near you, or call Anne Greshin at 802-241-4840 for more information about classes.
Technology Training Opportunities
Older adults can take advantage of many lifelong learning, wellness, and social opportunities online. CVCOA offers support through indivudalized technology training, device lending, and internet options counseling. We offer in-person Senior Planet classes, workshops, and lectures on a variety of topics. For online learning, Vermonters age 60+ can access GetSetup for free. GetSetUp offers hunderds of classes on a variety of topics, with a new theme each month. Click here to learn more about technology training opportunities.
Creative Aging
Creative aging is an integral part of healthy aging. CVCOA seeks to eliminate the barries and blocks to creativity for older adults and to uplift the creative voices of people age 60+ in our communities. Our Enhancing Social Connection through Arts and Technology program provides Creative Care Kits to people in their homes, helping to increase access to arts opportunities and connect people through creativity. Click here to learn more about Creative Aging opporutnities.