Technology Training

CVCOA offers a variety of technology training, support, and resources to help older adults navigate technology needs and options.

Stay Connected and Engaged through Technology

CVCOA offers a variety of opportunites and resources to help older adults gain confidence and comfort with using technology. Building technology skills can help you stay connected with friends and family and provide a way to engage with lifelong learning opportunities. 

CVCOA's Community Tech Specialist provides training, internet options counseling, and access to devices (based on income qualifications and current supply). 

Please contact the CVCOA Helpline at 802-477-1364 to learn more about technology training.

Click here to access online safety fact sheets from engAGED and OATS on browsing the internet confidentially, protecting your personal information online, and socializing safely online.

Senior Planet Classes at Aldrich Public Library

Streaming and Smart TVs
Monday, February 24, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Aldrich Public Library, 6 Washington St., Barre

Every day, more and more peopleare “cutting the cord” and canceling their cable subscriptions. Instead,they’re using free or low-coststreaming services like YouTube,Netflix, and Hulu to watch theirfavorite shows and movies online.

This presentation will introducestreaming: what it is, how to use it,and the variety of content available.

You’ll also learn how to watch liveTV without cable and how smartTVs and streaming devices can letyou watch videos from the Interneton your television.

To Register contact Lucas Rose: 802-479-1953 / [email protected]

Saving Money with Tech
Monday, March 3, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Aldrich Public Library, 6 Washington St., Barre

The internet can open a new world for saving money and managing your finances.  This lecture introduces online banking and goes over how to keep your financial information safe.

You’ll also learn about online shopping and explore some digital resources for saving money on entertainment, prescription drugs, and everyday items.

To Register contact Lucas Rose: 802-479-1953 / [email protected]

Technology for Tomorrow Classes

Technology Literacy Courses
Online via Zoom

Are you interested in learning more about technology?  Technology for Tomorrow, Central Vermont Council on Aging and Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging are offering free classes to attend through Zoom.

Classes will require an email address to send the Zoom link to and internet access to use Zoom.  

Classes will be from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. weekly on Wednesdays.

2/5 - Introduction to Internet
2/12 - Cloud Storage
2/19 - Intro to Social Media
2/26 - Dealing with Misinformation in Media
3/5 - Online Scam Prevention
3/12 - Understanding Smartphones
3/19 - Intro to Gmail

To Register, contact Lucas Rose at 802-479-1953 or [email protected] with your name and the course you would like to take.




Senior Planet

Vermont residents 60+ now have free access to GetSetUp's live interactive online classes taught by older adults for older adults to make digital learning, connection, and exploration a reality. Learners can choose from a catalog of over 3,000 classes that shift weekly and are available around the clock for the next year.

Enroll in GetSetUp classes today



Senior Planet classes, workshops, and lectures are offered in-person throughout Central Vermont and taught by CVCOA's Community Engaged Tech Specialist, Lucas Rose. Topics include training on using an iPad, cloud storage, sharing photos, how to protect your personal information online, and much more. Registration is required.

View the current schedule


Technology Resources

Central Vermont Adult Basic Education

Learn More

1 (802) 476-4588

CVABE has one-on-one in-person computer instruction and other skill building opportunities at many locations. Call for info or for appointment



1 (844) 217-3057

Free 1:1 virtual technology assistance and group classes. Book a tech problem-solving session or call them for help at 1-844-217-3057

Digital Learn


If you are new to computers, haven't used them for a while, are a little unsure and uncomfortable, or just need a bit of a refresher, DigitalLearn has the tools to help you tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed.

Generations on Line

Learn More


Generations on Line can
help elders with lots of tasks:
• Using the Internet, email, apps, Zoom, etc.
• Accessing vaccination sites
• Using telehealth
• Job hunting online
• Finding and reading digital newspapers
• Using QR codes




Vermont residents 60+ now have free access to GetSetUp's live interactive online classes taught by older adults for older adults to make digital learning, connection, and exploration a reality. Learners can choose from a catalog of over 3,000 classes that shift weekly and are available around the clock for the next year.

Internet Crime Complaint Center

Report a Crime


The Internet Crime Complaint Center, or IC3, is the Nation’s central hub for reporting cyber crime. It is run by the FBI, the lead federal agency for investigating cyber crime. Here on our website, you can take two vital steps to protecting cyberspace and your own online security. 

Oasis Everywhere Virtual Lifelong Learning


1 (314) 687-4525

Bypassing boundaries by bringing the virtual classes you love right to your screen!

Senior Planet Disaster Preparedness Quiz

Take the Quiz Here


This quiz from Senior Planet will help you think through disaster preparedness and learn about resources that can help you during an emergency.

Senior Planet from AARP

Visit Senior Planet Online

1 (888) 713-3495

Resources, classes, and ideas for how to stay connected virtually - CVCOA also offers in-person Senior Planet workshops and classes on a variety of topics. Call the Senior Planet Tech Help Hotline at 888-713-3495 (9am - 8pm EDT Mon. - Fri.)

Senior Planet from AARP - Tech Tips Video Tutorials

Explore Video Tutorials


Senior Planet provides pre-recorded video tutorials on a variety of topics and devices. Explore all their videos on this webpage

Tech Enhanced Life


A free newsletter with helpful tips and suggestions for technology



1 (802) 448-0595

Free group classes on a variety of tech topics and resources for older adults.

Vermont Assistive Technology Program


Toll-free 1 (800) 750-6355

This program offers free equipment demonstrations, free 30-day equipment loans, and more! The Vermont Assistive Technology Program works with individuals of all ages to find accessible solutions that will help with any disability and aging-related needs.