Senior Planet

In-person courses, workshops, and lectures to help you build new technology skills and stay connected with friends and family. 

CVCOA offers a variety of courses, workshops, and lectures through Senior Planet. Each quarter, we schedule a new slate of opportunities at locations throughout Central Vermont. Previous topics have included iPad Essentials, Cloud Storage, Protecting Your Information Online, Free Your Photos, and more. 

Upcoming Classes

Computer Essentials: 5 Week Course

In person at the Barre Area Senior Center, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. on the following Tuesdays and Thursdays: 1/7, 1/9, 1/14, 1/16, 1/21, 1/23, 1/28, 1/30, 2/4, 2/6
Snow Dates of 2/11 and 2/14

This in person 5-week course covers the essentials of how to use the basic functions of a personal computer, how to navigate the internet, and how to send and receive email.

By the end of the course, you’ll have a foundation for using a computer and the internet to enrich your life. We highly recommend that you follow Computer Essentials with Introduction to Digital Culture for PCs, which will offer additional practice.

Prerequisites: A Gmail address. If you need help setting up a Gmail address, please call the Senior Planet hotline: 888-713-3495.

This course is best suited for people who have had some experience using the internet on any device. 

To Register, call (802) 479-9512 or use the sign-up sheet posted at the Barre Area Senior Center

If you have questions or would like assistance signing up for Senior Planet opportunities, please call the CVCOA Helpline at 802-477-1364.