Senior Planet
In-person courses, workshops, and lectures to help you build new technology skills and stay connected with friends and family.
Nutrition and Wellness Opportunities
To learn more about Nutrition Programs, please contact our nutrition staff at 802-476-2644.
CVCOA offers a variety of courses, workshops, and lectures through Senior Planet. Each quarter, we schedule a new slate of opportunities at locations throughout Central Vermont. Previous topics have included iPad Essentials, Cloud Storage, Protecting Your Information Online, Free Your Photos, and more.
Upcoming Classes
Computer Essentials: 5 Week Course
In person at the Barre Area Senior Center, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. on the following Tuesdays and Thursdays: 1/7, 1/9, 1/14, 1/16, 1/21, 1/23, 1/28, 1/30, 2/4, 2/6
Snow Dates of 2/11 and 2/14
This in person 5-week course covers the essentials of how to use the basic functions of a personal computer, how to navigate the internet, and how to send and receive email.
By the end of the course, you’ll have a foundation for using a computer and the internet to enrich your life. We highly recommend that you follow Computer Essentials with Introduction to Digital Culture for PCs, which will offer additional practice.
Prerequisites: A Gmail address. If you need help setting up a Gmail address, please call the Senior Planet hotline: 888-713-3495.
This course is best suited for people who have had some experience using the internet on any device.
To Register, call (802) 479-9512 or use the sign-up sheet posted at the Barre Area Senior Center
If you have questions or would like assistance signing up for Senior Planet opportunities, please call the CVCOA Helpline at 802-477-1364.