
Learn more about transportation providers in Central Vermont to help get you to important activities and destinations.

Transportation Providers

In partnership with Green Mountain Transit (GMT), Rural Community Transportation (RCT) and Tri-Valley Transit,  we help older Vermonters get to non-emergency medical appointments, senior centers and community meals, socialization opportunities, the grocery store, local adult day centers, and other important destinations.

Often a 48 hour notice is required to secure a ride. To learn more about the transportation options in your community, contact the transportation provider directly.

Are you looking for a rewarding and impactful volunteer opportunity? Transportation providers are in need of volunteer drivers to help provide community rides to older adults. Click here to inquire today!


Find Your Local Transportation Provider

Green Mountain Transit (GMT)


1 (802) 223-7287

Serving Washington County

Rural Community Transportation (RCT)


1 (802) 748-8170

Serving Lamoille County

Tri-Valley Transit


1 (802) 728-3773

Serving Orange County