Your Gift Matters!
Make a big impact with a future gift through legacy and planned giving.
Document your intetions of leaving a legacy gift.
For questions or to discuss options,
contact Leanne Hoppe
Director, Philanthropy & Communications
[email protected] or 802-476-2662
Make a Lasting Impact with Legacy Giving
Central Vermont Council on Aging (CVCOA) partners with the Vermont Community Foundation to provide giving options that will live on and create an impact into the future. Gifts established through this option are held and managed by the Vermont Community Foundation. Their staff is available to work with you and handle all administrative and tax reporting details. Options for gifts include annuities and trusts that can provide you with income during your lifetime.
A CVCOA representative is available to meet at your convenience to discuss your wishes and needs. Many options are available, including special designated funds and funds maintained through the Vermont Community Foundation.
Financial Planning Disclaimer: We recommend that prospective donors consult with your own attorney, accountant and financial advisors to determine which planned gift options are appropriate for you. We would be pleased to discuss, in confidence, ways in which you support Central Vermont Council on Aging.
Legal Name: Central Vermont Council on Aging
Mailing address:
Central Vermont Council on Aging
59 N. Main Street, Suite 200
Barre, VT 05641-4121
Federal Tax Identification Number: 03-0276104
A planned gift allows you to integrate your charitable, family and financial goals.
Taking care of children and grandchildren is a priority for most of us. We also can take care of the organizations and causes we care about. There’s no better way to thank the people or organizations that have had an impact on your life or the lives of elders in our community than to make a contribution from your estate. Charitable giving is not only for the wealthy. Gifts of any size can make a difference!
There are simple and inexpensive ways to make a planned gift.
If you would like to extend your support of CVCOA to make a lasting impact, there are several gift arrangements to choose from. Whether you would like to support our work today or benefit us after your lifetime, you can find a charitable plan that lets you provide for your family and support CVCOA. Here are some of the most popular charitable plans to consider:
Remember Us in Your Will
Structure your will to provide for your family first. Then include a gift to the charitable organizations you love. Just a few simple sentences and a meeting with an estate planning attorney are all it takes.
Make a Bequest in your will. A bequest in your will is the easiest and most common method of making a planned gift. Click here to access sample bequest language.
Donor-Advised Funds
A donor advised fund (DAF), which is like a charitable savings account, gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to CVCOA and other qualified charities. You can recommend a grant or recurring grants now to make an immediate impact or use your fund as a tool for future charitable gifts.
It's easy to make a contribution to CVCOA through your Donor-Advised Fund! Simply request Central Vermont Council on Aging (EIN: 03-0276104) to be added to your list of nonprofits.
Make a Gift and Receive Fixed Payments for Life
If you'd like to support CVCOA and receive steady payments for life, a charitable gift annuity may be right for you.
Donate Stocks
If you give stocks you've owned for more than one year that are worth more than when you purchased them, you'll qualify for significant tax advantages.
Give Retirement Plan Assets
Consider making CVCOA a beneficiary of a percentage of your retirement plan assets. Then, leave less heavily taxed assets to your loved ones.
Arrange a Charitable Trust
With a charitable remainder trust, you can receive income each year (either fixed or variable) from assets you place in the trust. After your lifetime, the balance in the trust goes to the charities of your choice.