Financial Reports

In an effort to be fiscally transparent and accountable to the community of Vermont elders we serve, CVCOA is pleased to make our historical Financial Reports available to the public.

To view our 2023 Financials and learn about CVCOA's impact in the community, please see our 2023 Digital Impact Report.

2022-2025 Area Plan

As a designated Area Agency on Aging under the Older Americans Act, Central Vermont Council on Aging (CVCOA) is responsible for planning and developing a comprehensive and coordinated system of services for older adults and family caregivers in Central Vermont, focusing on those in greatest economic and social need. Our staff develop a new area plan every three years to outline a framework for how they will provide these services. During that three-year period, staff submit regular updates on the agency’s progress with respect to these services.

Downlad the 2022-2025 Area Plan

Contact us at [email protected] or call 802-479-0531 for more information.

Strategic Plan

In late 2022 and early 2023, CVCOA's board of director and management team engaged in a strategic planning process to help us continue offering high-quality services and programs, and to find new innovative opportunities for older adults in Central Vermont. 

download cVCOA's strategic plan


Annual Reports

IRS Forms 990

CVCOA is pleased to make our most recent IRS Forms 990 available for you to review:

Please contact us with any questions or concerns at [email protected]


Click here to access Age Strong Vermont: Our Roadmap to An Age-Friendly State, a plan guided by Vermont's Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living and the Department of Health.